Code of Conduct
May 8, 2024

Code of Conduct and Core Values

Code of Conduct Footer


The MetalCore Community is everything to us! We're thrilled to have you as a part of our community and want players to feel proud to be a part of it. Our community is made up of passionate MetalCore lovers from all over the world and all walks of life, and it's constantly growing. We're always excited to welcome new members. We believe that the values and expectations of our community are what make it so amazing, and we strive to uphold these values every day.

This Community Code of Conduct and Core Values apply to all members of the MetalCore Community (including the team). Think of these as the Rules of the MetalCore community. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a brand new member, these rules are in place to ensure that we all have a positive and enjoyable experience.


We value and prioritize good sportsmanship between players. We believe that every player deserves a fair chance to win and enjoy the game the way that it should, which is why we strongly discourage any form of cheating or exploitation. Not only does it affect the experience of players, but it also damages the game's integrity. Play it straight and play it fair.

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards harassment and bullying, including any inappropriate comments that target gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, or mental and physical ability. MetalCore is for everybody. Be welcoming to the newcomers!

Respect other people - it is a fundamental rule that applies to both community members and the MetalCore team. It is important to treat everyone with respect and kindness, just as you would like to be treated. Trying to bring someone down to elevate yourself never works out in the end.



  • Cheating
    Using third-party software or macros to gain an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
  • Exploiting/Bug Abuse
    Exploiting bugs or game mechanics in a manner not originally intended to gain an unfair advantage is considered unfair play.
  • Account Sharing/Account Boosting
    Allowing someone other than the account owner to play on the account, potentially providing an unfair advantage. Sharing account access can pose significant risks and may result in the termination of the owner's account.
  • AFK (idling)
    Any player who intentionally goes idle during a match or uses macros to prevent triggering the detection method.
  • Toxic Comms
    Bullying, trolling, offensive language, hateful speech, threats, discrimination and harassment of any kind.

    *Harassment towards our team includes but is not limited to, contacting or sending multiple messages to their personal social media pages, DMs, or personal Twitch stream to draw attention to your request (spamming). The same applies to submitting multiple tickets on the matter and pressuring the team for a response). Our team members have personal lives outside of work. Even if we really love our community, we kindly ask you to limit your discussions related to Metalcore to the Community Discord and MetalCore's Official Social Media Pages.
  • Inappropriate or Offensive names
    Including but not limited to: Barony names, gamertag (usernames), account names.


  • Distributing members artificially in different baronies in order to gain more marks in the barony tournament (leaderboard) is considered as sabotage and is against the Fair Play and Integrity value mentioned previously.
  • Pushing smaller baronies down the tournament ladder on purpose for your own benefit is prohibited and considered an unfair act that goes against MetalCore’s Sportsmanship value. Every barony deserves a fair chance at having their place on the leaderboard.
  • Engaging in gatekeeping (server filing) as a group and AFKing on servers to gain control over boss kills is considered unfair play and goes against our values of Fair Play and Integrity, as well as the AFK rule.
  • Using the reporting systems for malicious intent, such as knowingly providing false reports against other users and falsely spam reporting legitimate users to negatively impact their gameplay experience is considered as sabotage and is subject to penalty.
  • Engaging in coordinated PvP manipulation, where players deliberately and systematically defeat each other to artificially increase their kill count and level, is considered an exploit. Such actions violate the principles of Fair Play and undermine the Integrity of the game.

All of the above can negatively affect the gaming experience of others. MetalCore promotes a positive and inclusive environment for everyone that wants to be a part of our community, therefore anything that goes against these values is prohibited..


We take Code of Conduct violations seriously. The MetalCore team will take action against accounts that break our rules, ranging from mute to permanent bans . We won't review decisions or allow appeals against them. (Members of a barony engaging in such behavior risk getting their entire barony banned from the game. Their Marks balance will be nullifed, they will lose all rewards, as well as losing their rank on the leaderboard. The same rule apply for individuals that are not part of a barony.)

If you believe a player or member has violated any of the rules mentioned above, please report them via our Zendesk (Topic: Report Code of Conduct Violations).

We may update our Code of Conduct as our game and community evolve.
Thank you for being a part of the MetalCore community and for doing your part to maintain a safe, inclusive and fun environment for everyone.