May 9, 2024

Introduction to MetalCore Ambassador Program

MetalCore Ambassador Program

MetalCore's Official Ambassador Program is an initiative aimed at recognizing and rewarding passionate members of the MetalCore community who actively contribute to its growth and success. All kinds of ambassadors are welcome!

Ambassadors play a pivotal role in promoting MetalCore, fostering a positive and engaging community environment, and helping to expand the game's reach to new audiences.

To be eligible for the MetalCore Ambassador Program, the content you create and publish, as well as your interactions with the community on Discord must be in English. This may change in the future as other languages may be eligible based on our Community Team’s ability to evaluate the content.  

What Does It Offer?

Approved ambassadors will have a number of perks available to them, and we want to hear what others would want from this program, too. We are building several rewards for our ambassadors, but right now, we have:

  • Hoverbike Skin
  • Consumable Bundle
  • Ambassador In-Game Tag
  • Access to exclusive assets and events
  • Exposure to help grow creator's channels and audiences

Who Qualifies for It?

Individuals who demonstrate a strong commitment to MetalCore, exhibit enthusiasm for the game, and actively contribute to the community through content creation, social advocacy, or community engagement are eligible to join the Ambassadors Program. Ambassadors are selected based on their passion for the game, positive influence within the community, and willingness to support and promote MetalCore. It is also important that all members of the Ambassador Program uphold MetalCore’s Community Code of Conduct and Core Values at all times throughout their membership in the program. Failure to adhere to these standards will result in revocation of Ambassador role and membership privileges. 

There are currently two roles that one can have as an Ambassador for MetalCore. More roles may be created as we move along and the program evolves. For more information on the selection criteria, please continue reading and view the graphic below.

How Can I Join?


To apply to become an official Ambassador, fill out this application form. Our Community Team will review your application and respond within 7 days.


We will contact you individually by email or via Discord to get more information before you can be accepted to our Ambassador Program.


As you consistently create and publish content around MetalCore, and engage regularly with the community on Discord, embody our values and foster a welcoming environment, get rewarded for your efforts!

Please note that the program has limited slots, so meeting the criteria does not guarantee acceptance into the MetalCore Ambassadors Program.

Different Ambassador Roles, Tiers, and Rewards

There are two types of Ambassador roles that one can have: a Community Creator, or a Community Champion. There could be situations where a person can have both roles, but our Community Team will be the ones who determine this. If you feel you fall under more than one of these roles, feel free to reach out to our community team to be considered and evaluated!

Community Creator:
Community Creators are passionate individuals who produce various forms of content related to MetalCore, such as gameplay videos, tutorials, reviews, fan art, podcasts, or written articles. They excel at creating engaging and high-quality content that resonates with the MetalCore community. Community Creators play a crucial role in promoting the game through their creativity and reach, and help expand the game’s audience and enhance its visibility across different platforms. They are also vocal advocates for the game, sharing news, updates, and positive experiences with their followers. They leverage their online presence to generate buzz and spark conversations.

Please note that eligibility and upgrades for these tiers are highly discretionary based on the quality and frequency of content created. The MetalCore Community Team will make these decisions based on their own evaluation. These criteria are merely guidelines they will follow, and may be subject to change. 

  • Tier 1: 5,000+ followers, and at least 2 content pieces published weekly.
  • Tier 2: 2,000+ followers, and at least 2 content pieces published weekly.
  • Tier 3: 200+ followers, and at least 2 content pieces published weekly.
  • All tiers must create a minimum of 2 content pieces published per week to be eligible in this program. Posts can be a combination of video, image, or text or two posts of the same type.
  • Content can be posted on any of the following platforms: Twitter, Discord, YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit
  • Include the hashtag #playmetalcore #metalcoregame in your Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook posts.

Community Champion:

Community Champions are dedicated members of the MetalCore community who go above and beyond to support and enrich the gaming and community experience for others. They actively provide assistance to fellow players, participate in community events, and help foster a welcoming and inclusive environment. Community Champions embody the values of teamwork and mutual respect, serving as role models and leaders within the community. They play an essential role in strengthening the bonds between players and ensuring that MetalCore remains a vibrant and thriving community.

Please note that eligibility and upgrades for these tiers are highly discretionary based on quality and frequency of Discord interactions and relationship with the MetalCore Team. The MetalCore Community Team will make these decisions based on their own evaluation. These criteria are merely guidelines they will follow, and may be subject to change. 

Tier 1: 

  • Regularly help MetalCore Team playtest
  • Report bugs
  • Assist and onboard new players
  • Support users with common queries
  • Enforce Community Code of Conduct and Core Values
  • Daily interaction with the community 

Tier 2:

  • Report bugs
  • Assist and onboard new players
  • Support users with common queries
  • Enforce Community Code of Conduct and Core Values
  • Interaction with the community at least once every other day

Tier 3:

  • Report bugs
  • Enforce Community Code of Conduct and Core Values
  • Interaction with the community at least once every other day


Tier 1: Hoverbike Skin + Special MetalCore Ambassador In-game tag + Consumable Bundle
Tier 2: Special MetalCore Ambassador In-game tag + Consumable Bundle
Tier 3: Special MetalCore Ambassador In-game tag

*Each creator tier will get exposure to help grow their channels and audiences.

*Hoverbike skin design not finalised and is subject to change. The images above are just a visual exampple.

We hope that you’re as excited as we are about this Ambassador Program! We want to hear your feedback and ideas on how we can make it better as we evolve and as our MetalCore community grows. Please feel free to reach out to a member of our Community Team on Discord for any questions or feedback that you may have about the program.